VHT Tube Tester 2 - Power Tube Tester

Includes two standard 8-pin octal-base adapters with dual banana plugs. Adapters accept all popular octal-base output tube types (6V6, 6L6, EL34, KT66, KT77, KT88, 6550, etc.). Also includes two high-quality 3" diameter metal and glass analog milliamp meters (100mA max) with additional test-pin jacks for external digital multimeter connection. Durable vinyl-covered wood cabinet requires no external power.
Check your tubes where it matters most — in your amp. The TT-2's analog meters let you monitor your tube's performance while you play. It can also be used with an audio oscillator to test your tubes through the full range of power levels so you can find out if your tubes are really matched. It comes with a thorough manual that details multiple ways you can use the TT-2.
MODEL NAME: | Tube Tester 2 |
Download the manual here